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[Exit 75] Pair of Orlando Tickets for Sale

From: Maria Aguirre <toriphilemaria@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2005 15:27:50 -0600
Subject: [Exit 75] Pair of Orlando Tickets for Sale
To: exit75@torithoughts.org

I have an extra pair of tickets for the Orlando show - Front Row Balcony, Right side. I paid $109 total; I currently have them on ebay for a $100 buy it now, but I'm willing to take less for these.

Email me if you are interested. Thanks!

..:: Maria Aguirre ::..


And I know you will always love Sorrow
Is that why you gave her dress
to Happiness?
'Cause it matches her eyes when she cries...
- Tori Amos

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You were wild. Where are you now? Exit 75.

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