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[Exit 75] indianapolis or nashville tori tix

From: "Kristina & Jason" <jvoylesfamily@c3bb.com>
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 20:07:30 -0400
Subject: [Exit 75] indianapolis or nashville tori tix
To: <exit75@torithoughts.org>

If anyone knows where I can get some good tix for the indi or nsashville
show please let me know asap. I took my 5yr old daughter to the
Louisville show last night and she loved it so much she is begging to
see her again. I already have tix to both shows but they are about
halfway back, perfect for my husband and self, but im afraid they will
be too far away for my daughter.also, if anyone has any info on the
general admission show in Chicago at the vic let me know as well, like
how early I need to get there to get close!

Kristina and shelby

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