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[Exit 75] times like this

From: Violet <violet@torithoughts.org>
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2005 15:00:09 -0800
Subject: [Exit 75] times like this
To: exit75@torithoughts.org

I must say that at times like this -- and times NOT like this as well, to
be honest -- I really do miss the olden days when I could show up randomly
at the Ticketmaster counter, be the only one there, ask for tickets for
Tori Amos, and hear, "Um ... who?", and then end up sitting five feet from
the piano in a dinky little venue where waitresses bring drinks right to
your table and it's completely civilized and lovely.

When I finally finish building this time machine and can go back, I promise
I will take every single one of you with me!  The machine will have enough
seats for everyone and there will be no stupid pre-sale to get onboard.


    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
               You were wild.  Where are you now?  Exit 75.

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