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[Exit 75] 2 Tickets - Philadelphia

From: "Rafferty, Jason" <jrafferty@postschell.com>
Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2005 14:41:10 -0500
Subject: [Exit 75] 2 Tickets - Philadelphia
To: <exit75@torithoughts.org>

I have two extra tickets:

Tori Amos
Verizon Hall at The Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts Philadelphia,
PA USA Monday,  4/11/05, 8:00PM Third Tier

Section   Row   Seat       Price
 TTIER     J     127    $48.50    
 TTIER     J     128    $48.50    

Tickets.com Convenience Fee for 2 seats $14.00
Price for 2 seats $111.00

Let me know if anyone is interested, only asking what I paid.


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               You were wild.  Where are you now?  Exit 75.

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